Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Sunrise



I was able to witness this morning's amazing sunrise from the city of Lijiang, China. I feel as if sunrises are something of immense beauty and wonder that we most times take for granted. I mean, what would happen (retorical question) if one day the sun didn't rise? I bet the next day we would be appriciating the sunrise a little more!

As I was walking from the bus station I was time and time again draw to the horizon. I was captured.

I think there is something freeing in a sunrise. There is just something about darkness being split- about light rays blazing through the clouds- that makes you know that everything is going to be ok.

As I was walking I began to think about the spiritual realm. I began to think of how it must look in the spirit realm when the forces of heaven prevail and the Light of God begins to shine and fill the skys over a place.

Being here in China, I just wonder when the light is going to break forth here. I'm not talking a star or moon expirience; I'm talking about the blazing glory of the Son.

Lights of the World

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

200 Pound Weight Loss

So I was walking through the MTR (Hong Kong's Subway) yesterday....strike that!

So I was going up the escalator, out of the MTR, yesterday when I saw an advertisement. Let me describe it for you...

1. Really beautiful Asian girl...mid 20s
2. Handsome Asian boy (not as handsome as me though) - They are facing each other
3. The doll is in a pair of size 100 jeans...."Fat Jared"* could have fit in these things!
4. Guy is pulling the fabric out as to show how fat the Doll used to be.
5. Doll has a surprised "Oh my....he likes me!" type look on her face. (say the quote in a high pitched, girl voice)
6. In the bottom left corner of the poster (I noticed this when I passed another of these signs) it says something like, "200 Pound Weight Loss!"....it's the only English on the whole sign.

As I ascended the escalator, and the poster reached the corner of my eye, IT caught me! I did a double take and there it stood...The Guy!

7. THE GUY WAS LOOKING DOWN THE GIRLS PANTS!!! You know? The ones that he was pulling out to show how fat she used to be!? Yeah, he was looking down them! And I can almost guarantee she didn't have on another pair!

I was appalled! I was hit with subliminal Sex advertisement ("Sexertisement" if you will) and I didn't notice it at first! Besides that, this boy was looking down the pants of my future wife! She was pretty, OK! I wasn't having it! So I...

1. Went and tore the advertisement down!
2. Was seen by a police officer
3. Got beat up by a police officer
4. Was taken to jail by a police officer

...I'm just kidding! That story stopped at "I was appalled"

anyway....the morals of this story are....
1. Check the eyes of your man!
They better be looking into the window of your soul (eyes), at Jesus (sky), or at his future resting place (the ground).

2. Don't go on a diet!
If the girl would have still been fat there wouldn't have been any slack in those jeans for the perv to look down!

3. Don't trust Asian advertisement!
When was the last time you've seen a 300 pound Asian woman who needed to lose 200 pounds ?! They eat rice....not lard!


* The subway guy....the guy who lost all that weight by only eating subway sandwiches that didn't have anything good on them! You know why he put a little of his weight back on? He added flavoring!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Summer Saturday Nights

My posting/group from facebook....here is the deal!

What's up Everybody!
I just wanted to fill everbody in on something that is going to be starting this summer. It is called Truth....not profound, but that is exactly what it is! Every Saturday night we are gonna get together and chill, BBQ, eat chicken/steak/whatever and talk about God (esp. the person of Jesus). It will start at about 6 and end whenever we want to go dancing at the club!...or whatever else we want to do (I like to get my dance on though!)

Jesus Christ: One of the most challenging, profound, abstract, demanding, freeing people we will ever have to encounter. It doesn't matter if you believe in him or not....you in some way will encounter him

In all honestly I truly believe that very few people know anything about Jesus. I also believe that the church has done our generation a great disservice and has in fact lied to us/covered up concerning Jesus. Here are some popular church teachings we will "uncover" and some other topics of discussion.

1. Jesus being an upper class white republican!
p.s. Jesus was not white!
2. Jesus told people to give up their money more than he told them he would give them some (the follow Jesus get rich teachings...prosperity in what?).
3. Jesus never promissed you respect (addressing how the church gets offended at stupid stuff)
4. Jesus drank wine (He really did!)
5. My body, My blood
6. Bread of Life
7. Give all you have to the poor

I really want everyone to come! It will be a discussion based thing...I am not preaching to anyone! We will look at what ideas you have and then look at who Jesus claimed to be, what he said, and what he did as found in the Bible.

Who is Invited?
God lovers, haters, believers, doubters, christians, atheists, muslims, buddhists, any seekers....whoever wants to come! This is going to become one tight community!


1st Ever Brandon T. Kightlinger House Jam!!!!

The First Night of Truth will be JUNE 2nd @ 6PM

We will be grilling multi-flavored, BK marination station chicken.

What to bring?
1. YOU
2. If you have money, which you very well might not (we're in college here), A PACK OF CHICKEN BREAST
3. An Open Mind

What not to bring?
1. A bad attitude
2. Self Righteousness
3. Shy-ness (Unless you don't like to talk....you will end up talking though, I can almost guarantee it!)
4. Klepto-Tendencies (Don't be stealing my food! We are having chicken...not my ice-cream, cereal, etc.....We eat Chicken!)

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Two more to go! Two more papers to finish and it is officially finals season!

Don't get me wrong, I am not excited about finals BUT I am so sick of papers! Finals will be kind of a break!

Last night was the play. I had so much fun! As part of my role I got to go absolutely crazy for the last fourth-half of the play.....It was awesome! The audience seemed to like it, so that's good. After the play I took more pics with Asian girls than I think the average man will take with all women, of all races, in his entire life! What can I say...Pimp'n all over the world! It's more like...

Asian Girl- "I need to get a picture with this crazy white guy!"

Man I'm funny!

I will write more next week....I really don't want to write any more this week!!!


Thursday, April 19, 2007


This week has been, and is, the most work filled week of the semester. For the first time in nearly 4 months I am having to be a student! With this onslaught of homework bearing down on me I made the wise decision to watch the whole Lord of the Rings series. No, not one of the movies...all 9 hours of them!

Hey! I spread it out over two days! So negative!

As a Christian you often hear of how God is able to take our bad choices and missteps and use them for His glory. Point proven! Just kidding. Last night I think I prayed one of the most heart felt prayers I have prayed in a long time...if not ever. This prayer, which I will say was a "good" prayer (for all of you out there who rate them), came after watching The Return of the King. I shed tears during this prayer. That has to add at least 2 points to my score...probably the 2 points that you subtracted from the prayer being inspired by a multi-million dollar motion picture.

In all honesty, the prayer was not inspired by the motion picture but rather by my own failings. I have to tell you, I love Jesus so much! When I say this I must clarify that this is not the super-spiritual young man, formerly known as "pastors son", speaking. This is the broken, flesh indulging, flesh hating, torn prince of the Kingdom of God speaking. No longer will I say "I love Jesus" to convince anyone of my sincerity or to appear as a "legit" Christian. I have been broken much and have fought too hard to care what appearance I bear for the Christian realm to criticise. The love of which I speak is one that has been mixed with the failings of my flesh and is fueled by the cravings of my spirit.

This love would not be pure in your eyes. This love would make you shiver. This is love given by a prostitute to her maker. A love poured out through the tool of her seduction, criticized by all who look on. My love is not pretty. My love is not cleaned up. My love is not consistent in my action.

But it is mine! It is mine to give to whomever I wish.

My choice? I chose you, Jesus Christ...He is the only one who would take this love- him and all the other screw ups who can appreciate true love.

True Love. Question Mark.
What is true love? Is it the "perfect" love? Is it the cleaned up, present it with a ring, love? Is it the take me home and show me to your parents love? If it is....God is not my "true love".

My love is not perfect. My love is not cleaned up. My love would make your parents cringe..."that boy cries too much...he doesn't have a job!?". And I certainly don't have enough money to present it with a ring! Unless, Jesus likes Cracker Jacks.

Good thing true goes further than pretty and perfect. I do in fact have true love. I do in fact have integrity. I am an honest enough man to tell you, Jesus, that sometimes I don't feel like I love you. Sometimes I question you. Sometimes I don't want anything to do with you! Sometimes you make me so mad! Sometimes I prostitute myself to another. Sometimes I even enjoy my sin! Let's face it, if it wasn't enjoyable it wouldn't trip me up. Sometimes, through my actions, I say that your grace isn't enough.

But I'm here. I will always be here! I will be me. I will not pretend to be anyone else...ever again! I desire all of you. I want you! Every day I crave you more! Every day I become more like you. I can't go a day without you. Your grace is enough! You are enough! Someday I will live this out. I am trying so hard! But someday...

This is what my love is. You find it beautiful. You find it perfect. You find it true. That is what I love about you. You love mankind. You love the raw, broken, sincere, truthful cries of your creation. You love genuine people- messed up people. I worship you for this. I worship you in truth....the truth of all my crap, all my failings, all my misconceptions....all of me. The true me!! With that, me, I will worship you! You desire nothing more than that! Nothing else pleases you more.

Jesus, you are my true love.

Lord of the Rings....Love of my Life

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The first installment in the BABCD series, Spitting Game, is being postponed yet another day. In its place I would like to share with you some lines that will hopefully spark some interests. All of these lines carry with them great stories and great lessons...they all come from my trip to Thailand.

There is something freeing in confession. Confession is sort of like the ax that strikes off the chains of past sin, leaving in their place nothing but the cool winds of healing. These are not that type of confession.

These are my confessions.....
- I went to a strip-club/prostitution ring (and it wasn't a planned missions trip)
- I got hustled for $60
- I got pissed (No, I was not mad....I was pissed!) after being hustled

Perhaps the greatest thing America has lost, and is in desperate need of, is innocence.
- I took part in the world's largest water fight
- Thai girls love me....at least they love me when they are rubbing paste all over my face

The fish became the bait....of death
Run to higher ground

These three sections give you a taste of my top Thai moments (unintentionally in order). Please ask me about them when I get home...I'd love to tell you!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spitting Game

I am currently working on the blog post "Spitting Game". It will be posted tomorrow.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I just wanted to inform everyone that I will be returning to Hong Kong tomorrow. These past 7 days have been some of the most exciting, fun, beautiful....

I was burned like none other on the world's most beautiful beach, Koh Phi Phi.
I took part, got soaked, at the world's largest water fight.

I can't wait to share some stories and pics with you over the next couple of weeks. Just a reminder: Bowling Alley...will continue this Sunday.

Grace, Peace, and Love

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Bowling Alley Condom Dispenser

Intimacy with God.

What does that even mean!

In a culture that is bombarded by distorted images of Love and intimacy how in the world are we supposed to know intimacy with God? I mean, if we can't even get a clear picture of what it means to be genuinely intimate with another human how are we supposed to be intimate with a God we can't see?! This is especially hard for those of us who are single, those of us who come from broken homes, and/or those of us who have come out of broken relationships. This is truly a battle that Christians in today's day and age are going to have to choose to fight. That's right...CHOOSE to fight! The truth is we have no idea what it means to be intimate with God but we sure do pretend like we do. How frequently do we go before God time limit-less and say, "I just desire to sit here in your presence. I don't have anything to ask of you; I just want to know you"? How long are we willing to serve God without "feeling" anything? In all honesty, we come before God presenting our requests (which is biblical) only (which is not) and we are "feeling" chasers! We want to get some goosebumps, some assurance our life direction is OK, etc. We very rarely seek to truly know the God whose services we are seeking or who gives us our direction. God forbid we don't feel something at church or that the service goes over our allotted time frame!

We are seeking a quickie encounter with "god"! When I say "quickie" I am referring to individuals having a quick sexual encounter. This evening I had a really good conversation with Joel which touched on a lot of topics. One thing that was brought up was the idea that in the US we, meaning guys, are bred to "spit game". Although this is quite a humorous when considering myself, when taken in another context this is really profound. The American church is breeding people who can spit some mad game. I am telling you, we talk some mad stuff! I mean, we place ourselves on the "super sexy" pedestal, we tear others down, we produce some good hits, we have the nicest cribs for God; we're doing all right! The tragedy is we don't know God! We've been primping in the bathroom and working our stuff on the dance floor, while all along God was sitting on the couch waiting for us to just come and lay in His arms. We are missing the point!

We are a self centered church. We spit game. We strut our stuff, often at the expense of others. We preach on what God desires based on what we desire. We have missed the point.

Have you ever wondered why they put condom dispensers up in bowling alleys? I mean, these things have got the funkiest types of condoms in them, ever! Just a question I've been asking, I guess. I'll ask it a couple of more during the course of this series.

Have you ever wondered why we seek the pleasures of God, the quick work of His miraculous power, but we get mad when we are called to wait on Him? Why are we so desiring of a "quickie" spiritual experience with god but we wont seek His face to just know Him? Here's a couple or thoughts.

Maybe it is because we will see who we truly are. Maybe it is because we will be scared at God's will for us. Maybe we will see that God desires for us to bring life and light to a prostitute far more than He desires for us to be wealthy. Maybe we will come to find that the Holy Spirit is living on skid row and not in our churches. Just maybe...

We do not know what intimacy means. I do not know what intimacy means. I do know however, that I want God to be worth more, and more real to me, than a 50 cent bowling alley bathroom condom experience! I want to know God! I want you to know God! Let's interact, let's dialogue (comment button) as we truly seek God and seek clarity on what it means to be intimate.

Part 1: Spitting Game (Sunday the 15th)


Yeah Right!

There is this commercial airing in HK now. It goes something like this.

Dude and Babe are in a park
Dude busts out some fast food burgers
Dude also busts out some fast food drinks
Dude and Babe sit down
Dude takes out a pair of head phones
Dude and Babe share the earphones, one per person
Music comes in
Dude proceeds to "activate" the phone
Phone lights up the table like a candle
The light reveals this message...
Happy Anniversary

Babe is OK with this!

Are you stink'n kidding me! That is perhaps the most unrealistic commercial ever! It is more fake than a Victoria Secret commercial...and that's saying a lot. Here is how it would go in real life.

Dude and Babe are in a park
Dude busts out some fast food burgers
Babe laughs and asks "are you serious?"
Dude begins to sweat bullets and answers "Yes..?"
Babe leaves that broke butt Dude in the Park...
With his phone and both ear phones!
Game Over. Happy Anniversary my butt!

This past Saturday at church Janice, one of the pastors, was talking about intimacy with God. While she was speaking I had this great illustration that I believe really defines how many, if not most, of us approach God. That will come tomorrow. I just wanted to wet your appetite with that little commercial which really illustrates intimacy quite well (seriously...and sarcastically)...and I didn't want to write a lot! Honesty is the best policy you know!

Here is the title of tomorrow's blog.

The Bowling Alley Condom Dispenser (it was the illustration I got...give me a break!)

Dumb Marketing!
Unless it is aimed at broke butt guys

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


The Avalanche of work has begun!

I just wanted to give everyone an update on the ridiculous amounts of work that have started to shout for attention.

International Business
1. Analysis paper on international event/decision/etc. (not to difficult...I hope!)
2. Group Project Business Plan

Global Marketing
1. Business Plan/Analysis for Hong Kong Disney Land (Group Project)
2. Presentation of analysis

1. Presentation tomorrow morning (shouldn't be bad)

Entrepreneurship and New Venture
1. Business Plan for Competition
2. Presentation of Plan

I leave for Thailand on Thursday! Woohoo!
I return on the 14th of April.
All of these assignments are due in the following two weeks! BOOOO!

Anyway, I am indeed leaving for Thailand on Thursday. Please be keeping Joel and Myself in your prayers as there has been some violence there as of late.

tropical paradise (stress free for 8 days!)

p.s. More thoughts to come tomorrow!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Lonely Generation

Last night was a blast! After a personally challenging time at church, meaning I was going before the Lord with some serious, self defining stuff, a group of us set off for a night of fun. Let me just say that I am going to be acquiring "Legend" status really soon in the HK dance world.


At around 4-something in the AM, following my amazing "performance", we headed over to McDonald's "cuz a brotha gotta eat"! As I was standing in line to order, what would be two sausage-egg mcmuffins and a hash brown (it was early in the morning), a girl and I struck up a conversation. I found out some really interesting stuff about her.

Her name is Gene. She has two more years left in High School. She appeared to have been drinking that night (she seemed kind of "out of it"...wasted maybe?). She attends a boarding school in Hong Kong. Her parents live in Hong Kong. Dad is a University Professor. I think Mom is an attorney. She was sent away before to attend boarding school. She likes living at school. She doesn't really like living at home. She was going to stay in McDonald's until morning when she would go to the Rugby 7s tournament. etc....

Did I mention that she still had two years left of High School!

I was able to ask Gene some pretty challenging questions about her feelings on being sent away to school and some stuff about her feelings towards her parents. She seemed sad. She seemed broken.

Coming to you as a member of Gene's generation, as someone who has seen the broken and has been broken, I am calling all men and women of God to be Men and Women of God. Stop pursuing the material, stop pursuing fame, stop pursuing wealth, stop pursuing fashion, stop pursuing a self made god. Start loving, unconditionally! Start modelling forgiveness. Start practicing discretion. Start living a life of Grace and Mercy. Stop being unapproachable. Give your life for others!

Why don't we live like this as a lifestyle?

We are a selfish people! We create "God". We decide what is important to Him and what really doesn't matter...based on our lifestyle, what we deem as wrong, and fueled by our pursuit of power. We are clear in our accusations but mute in our mercy. There is a hurting world that needs the REAL God. Not the man-made, "We'll believe this and that...but not that!", or the "Homos are going to Hell....but living together and getting it on is OK, if it's between a 'man' and a 'woman'" god we've been shoving down their throats. There are real people with real hurts! This isn't make believe. This isn't Hollywood fiction! Stop driving by with condemnation and stop the freak'n car! Get out! And show someone LOVE!!!!!!!

There is a girl out there that you can mother! There are millions of boys (not just in age!) that are in desperate need of fathers. I don't care if you are only a 20 year old reading this. You can be the arms of a mother or father for someone! Someone sitting alone all night in a McDonald's. Someone who feels better living away from "home". Someone who is lonely. Someone who was eating pancakes. Someone named Gene. Someone named Brandon. Someone named Cindi. Someone named JESUS

..the broken are allowed to break in order to mend the wounds of the broken to come! Strike up a conversation one night in a 24 hour McDonald's, after a night of dancing, and you might just see...the face of God.

The Lonely Generation

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Artist of the Week

This week I have selected a very talented young artist to be Artist of the Week. In a day and age where rock, rap, and techno (Yes! Techno...I live in Hong Kong here!) are the big dogs it is refreshing to hear a true artist. Ladies and Gentlemen, this week's AOTW is (drum roll please)

Jamie Cullum!

Check him out for a pleasant surprise! If you are listening in on i-tunes check out his rendition of Singing in the Rain; it is sure to make you smile.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Clothes Watch 2007

For those of you who would like to be kept up to date on the clothes issue, here is the latest.

After typing my blog last night I returned to the laundry room only to find my clothes still damp! With frustration, I went back to my room to instituted my quick dry program (AKA. I have my stuff hanging up around the room) which has turned out to be a massive failure. My crap is still slightly wet! It probably doesn't help that there is more moisture in the air then there was in the washer in which they were cleaned!!!! I'm telling you, my designer special addition* gap jeans will probably not get dry until they are safe and sound back in the mother land!

Special Addition=On Sale

Today was a good day! Besides the fact I was marinating in my own sweat for most of it. Had a couple of classes, ate some food, lifted some weights, went out with a friend from mainland China, attempted to go shopping for shorts and tank-tops, failed at purchasing any shorts and tank-tops, typing this blog.....you know, all around good day!

Side Note Time!!!!
Have any of you ever read the book Love You Forever? That is probably the stink'n saddest book ever! I digress....

More to come tomorrow on Clothes Watch 2007!

Dry! Dangit!

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Overloaded Dryer

I have just returned from a journey.
6 Lands spanned, one battle fought.
The Result? Failure

Don't you hate it when you put your wet clothes in the dryer expecting them to be dry when you come back to pick them up....and they aren't! I hate it. Yes, I said "Hate", the word your mother always told you not to say when you were a child. The word that means "I want you dead". You know what I am talking about! To clear this up. Yes, I do want putting-my-clothes-in-the-"DRYER"-with-the-anticipation-of-them-coming out dry only-to-have-them-be-wet-upon-my-return DEAD! I mean dead as a door nail! Never to revive again. Never to inflict its partially damp wounds again!

Evereything seems to be wet around here as of late. I'm serious. It is so stink'n humid. If someone having asthma were to go running they might as well drown! So Mom about that Inhaler!

I am going to Thailand in a little over a week. Pretty excited about that! Nothing like spending Easter in Bangkok or on one of the world's most beautiful beaches!

Before I go, I just wanted to thank everyone who has purchased things to ship to me and Joel. I have been really blessed by your efforts. I have an idea though....if you are planning on spending a ridiculous amount of money to ship those goods, how about this? You hang on to those bad boys until around June 1st, you bring them to my house (or I can pick them up), and then you can give me the money that you would have spent on shipping (which I will use as my Chipotle Burrito Fund for the summer)! Huh? Great idea, I know!

Thank you all for your support and reading!

Grace and Peace

Just the Way You Are

The bar is set so high!
No one set it for me.
I am sure people have played a part in constructing the frame on which the bar sets but...

It is all me. In my mind. In my heart. It's all me.

It is so hard to accept Grace and Mercy. Why is that?

Last night at church I didn't sit and marinate in the most clear and organized sermon. I didn't see the lame walk or the blind see. I didn't buckle under the annointing of God, although it was strong. I didn't fall asleep and have a dream. I didn't even get the "Holy Ghost shivers"....I don't think at least. Last night something greater happened. Something lasting took place. Something eternal.

I think I might have been able to accept the Grace of God.

For me, accepting the Grace of God is so hard because I always think I should "be better", or something along that thought process, and that I am not living up to how God wants me to be or how I want me to be. In the midst of a semi-confusing sermon these words struck me.

"Jesus wants you to come to Him not as who you should be or as you think you could be. Jesus wants you to come to Him as you are! Jesus loves you just the way you are." [not a direct quote...I'll put the quote up when the podcast comes out]

The above statement was addressed to Christians. That word was so life changing for me. It seems for so long that I have been coming before the Lord seeing myself as who I should be or who I want to be. There has been no freedom in that! We say that [the above quote] to unbelievers all the time but when it comes to believers it seems as if the grace has run dry. I will not allow this lie to live any more in my life! For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I am able to come before the Lord saying

"This is me! Not who I want to be or who I think I should be. Just me."

and you can almost hear God reply with

"That is who I want. Just you. Just the way you are right now!"..."About time! haha"

I love it when God laughs!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Song of the Week

I recently (*cough* last night *cough*) purchased Hillsong United's "More Than Life" album. Although I don't like some (or one..haven't decided yet) of the songs on the CD, there is a set of three songs that have just been rocking my face off. Two weeks ago at church two of these songs, one of which I have been personally craving, were sung during a time of music lead worship....unbelievable. The three songs that compose such a killer set are:
1. Consuming Fire
2. More Than Life
3. Jesus' Blood

From this set I have chosen Consuming Fire as this week's SONG OF THE WEEK. Go to I-tunes right now and buy these three songs...if you have always wanted to be the crazy, singing, driver person that everyone points and laughs at, buy these songs! You cannot help but cry out to God! Esp. during the "Stir it up in our hearts Lord..." part of Consuming Fire and during the 1:00-end time frame of Jesus' Blood.

Consuming Fire
There must be more than this,
O breath of God come breathe within,
There must be more than this,
Spirit of God we wait for You.
Fill us anew we pray,
Fill us anew we pray.

Consuming fire fan into flame,
A passion for Your Name,
Spirit of God fall in this place,
Lord have Your way,
Lord have Your way with us,

Come like a rushing wind,
Clothe us with power from on high,
Now set the captives free,
Leave us abandoned to Your praise.
Lord let Your glory fall,
Lord let Your glory fall.

Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
A passion for Your Name.

Stir it up in our hearts Lord...A passion for your name

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Don't Cry!

There will be no blog today (except for this here).

I have a Mandarin Mid-term tomorrow at 4:30 in the PM. I would ask for prayer...I'm talking stay up until 6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) to interceed on my behalf! This is some serious business! haha

I really hope I do good...well see. Alright, got to go study. I included a pic of me to hold you over until tomorrow (it is the most recent one).


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Update

As of today (21 March 2007) here is what we have.

1. One confirmed worker on Joel's trampoline picture.
2. American Girls being shoved in boxes and shipped for Joel.
3. Two mix CDs (maybe more! woohoo!)
4. Note cards
5. Batteries
6. All the candy (which isn't possible because I want a ton of Reese's Eggs...but I double dog dare you to try!)
7. Letters
8. An American Doll (for Joel)
9. Surprises! (I love surprises!...GOOD surprises!)

Now that we are able to see what I (and Joel) are still needing or desiring (aka My Inhaler...*cough* Mom) let me move right along.

Funny things that Chinese people say that they don't realize they are saying (or funny names). Here are two said things and one name for your enjoyment.

The English word is in blue while the way to pronounce it is in red.

Fluctuate (Make the L silent-just take it right out, no hint of it ever being there-and really emphasis the other first three letters...yeah, Int'l Business teacher today)

(EE in the English language makes the I sound...as in "IT"-perhaps with a SH in the front and a little accent for good measure)

Name of the Day- But Fuk Yu (I am not making this up!...luckily the U in Fuk has an eww (kind of like Food) sound...haha)

I hope you enjoyed the "lighty"-ness of today's blog. After a couple of serious ones (including the Wish List, because I am absolutely serious!) I'll hit you with some humor! I'm straight awesome...I know!

Thanks for reading everybody!

Little House on the Prairie
AKA. The show my mom made me watch growing up...that I hated!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My (and Joel's) Wish List

As of this afternoon there have been 126 views on this here blog. Although I would definately like this to become a blog for the masses (at least a billion) I must confess, 126 is a good number. That in mind, I have some things I want....and I think you (Yes, YOU! The person reading this sentence right now) would love to be a blessing to me...and Joel.

Here is how this here thing is going to run. Have you ever used a gift registry at Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.? Let me introduce you to the Comment button (it is located on the bottom of every blog)...this will be serving as our registry! And this blog post will serve as the "list of desirable endulgance". Those things written in Blue are specific requests of Joel and in no way communicate the desire of mine, or God's, heart. haha

1. AA Batteries
2. Jumbo Lined Notecards
3. Reese's Eggs (A lot of them!!!! They only have them at Easter so I have to stock up!)
4. American Girl ("Doesn't have to be pretty, just has to be American!" -Joel Brunk)
5. Recent pics of my Family...including pic of my dad.
6. Skittles
7. Mix CDs (Be creative....but no crappy music please!)
8. Sour Patch Kids
9. Polar Ice and Big Red Gum
10. Orange and Spearment Tic-Tacs
11. Pictures of yourself jumping on a yellow trampoline with a black lab and a man named Marvin that is wearing a Steak & Shake Uniform (on a rainy day).
12. Letters on what God is teaching you and comments on what the church should be.
13. Old Spice (Pure sport) anti-perspirant/Deodorant (Like the anti-perspirant even does anything!).
14. Inhaler! Yeah Mom, I kind of forgot that one...gonna be needing that real soon!

See, that wasn't so bad! I didn't even ask for money.
In case you are wondering...this list is courtesy of today's Mandarin class.

You can send the goods to me at (the longest address ever!)

Brandon T. Kightlinger
Room 609L, North Tower,
The Hongkong Bank Foundation Bldg.,
Student Resident Halls,
Hong Kong Baptist University,
5 Baptist University Road,
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Share the Love!

Sexual Tears

Warning: This blog contains some sexual content.

Last night.
I was sitting at my computer when it began. At first it sounded as if a high school football player was narrating, to the naked masses, the encounter he had the night before...the one that never happened. I thought it would quickly end with the sound of pre-puberty giggles filling the air. It didn't. Graphic. Loud. The tear making factory, conveniently located within my eye, began to fire up its machines. Not tonight. Please not tonight.

Not on a night when you are screaming for purity. Not on a night when your ears are connected to your minds eye. Not this night. Please stop. It didn't. If demons could "make love" it would be a more pleasant soundtrack than this.

I'm an open person. Let me open up. It was open. I looked. I was 14. And I still fight the battle to this very day. I am a man. Sometimes I feel like a boy. Controlling my thoughts is the hardest of battles. Battles aren't supposed to be easy...that is why they compose the war!

You author a story, I illustrate in mind. You talk out a picture...I'm faster than any one hour photo. Not this night, please. The sounds continued. I closed the windows and looked out to see a group on the ground, clothed. Have you ever seen a rap video? High School dance? Bump-n-Grind? Clothes work better than condoms I guess. I began to quiver.

There are times when God lets you see the vilest of things in order to fully set free. There is often that pull from the flesh to indulge in the sin-the pull that gets you contemplating. I am thankful for last night. I am thankful that God allowed me to hear and see Satan at work. I am thankful that death was shown to me. It gives me some armor, and even a weapon, for the next battle. The devil often attacks in the midst of pure wonder...the picture was painted and I saw his destruction. So I will continue to wait and pray for the prize-my lover, my friend, my helper, my bride.

It hurts so bad.
A painfully accepted reminder.
Shall I take a swim?
I think I'll dive right in.
The night is interrupted by the sounds of "lovers"
Doing something with the sounds of sin.
Moans and fast talking
Cries of indulgence
Death moves in to take a closer look.
My tears paint the picture on my inner eye canvas.
Every motion, every cry, the soul tries to hide.
"Eye don't bring that false fulfillment in here tonight!"
You think you'd swim in pools of gratification
but then you are reminded in the nic of time
There is no pure blood flowing this night.
It is the blood of the slaughtered
The blood on which death came.

What a painful reminder of the blood that flows over me.
The blood of Grace not free.

(response to overwhelming sadness I experienced when students were outside making sexual dialogue & acting sexual intercourse out)

Thank you Jesus for your blood. Thank you for your payment.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Prayer Call

Oh, Please No!
Don't say that...not those words!
Wasn't I enough? Must you slay the souls of more innocent!

Your beautiful garment flows free with the wind of "the Spirit"
For whom the Son hath set free is free indeed...right?
Who you set free....well, it isn't me!
The oil of anointing on your fingers still provides a slick spread for the indulgences you are trying to sell.
What a beautiful mix!
The healing of bodies with the killing of souls!
The Bible couldn't have told it any better...so you do!
The reformation has taught you nothing except how to make a point?
The only problem is that your points are always pointing to me!

You liar, you white-washed tomb! Those are my favorites, those are the truths.
You dig through the book to pick out your bullets.
"Bang" goes the dynamite! The pistol breaths out its hot fuel.
God just dropped dead.
Oh wait...never mind. "God" is you?
I am the one who just kissed death.
But wait! How can this be?
You killed me a long time ago
But who's counting?

You Are!
The bodies rack up as mercy disappears. The souls lay shaking as grace runs in fear.
The chains lead the prisoners into the abyss.
Satan in all of his splendor could not have imagined this!

You man of God?
You man of man!
You man of yourself!
You man up, now!

I've tasted the truth, I've seen what is sweet.
The love of my maker, the freedom He brings.

Russian roulette you were playing quite well...when the gun was to my head!
The barrel revolves around an axis of blood drenched wounds.
The least of which are mine.
Pull the trigger. Watch me bleed.
My dear teacher, my dear friend you fail to see the picture.

Go ahead, it's OK.
That's it.
Take your nose, and your eyes, and your judgemental glances out of the blood.
The wound you carved on my tender flesh has begun to close.
Hurry Up!
Let me remove them for you!
Get your filthy self out of my heart! Your approval is no longer needed!

Open your eyes! You bitter viper, open them!
Your weapon of choice is oiled and prime.
A great weapon of choice to kill another mind.
"Bang" goes the dynamite!
You killed God!
Wait! He has already been killed.
His blood drenched wounds oiled the axis of the bitter assault.
You, my friend, are shooting blanks!

Your voice is silent among the explosions of Grace.
Your calls of abandonment are void in this place.
You preach from a box close to crystal mansions
but I reside in a tower next to hell.
A tower of grace.
A tower of mercy.
A tower that beckons all to run in.

The chains are falling off.
The devil cries in panic!
It has been so long since he has had to do anything...the church has done it for him!

The words you spoke that bonded me have been removed.
You have stolen my love, you have stolen my heart.
Hide and Seek has never dealt so many tears!

You hid.
I found.

He healed.
I speak.

You placed on bondage O "man of God".
He, my Love, set free.

What a delightful dance of beauty defined.
Being relocated to the gates of hell to my...my true life!

The prayer call beckons.




Oh, wounder of many...it calls for you too!

What a Beautiful Love

This is a "poem" (kind of) that flowed freely (most of it) as I typed. It is just thoughts on some of the screwed up images of God and of my "duties, responsibilities, etc" that I have acquired over the years from church and Christian teaching. The images and ideas I have gotten from these personally embraced teachings have led me down some pretty crappy roads and have honestly distorted God. This is stuff I am now starting to deal with. I have come to the conclusion that these teachings (the ones that inspired this outburst) and ideas have placed me in bondage and have actually taken me away from freedom in Christ.

Love Jesus. Love people. Seek God
He loves you. He seeks you. He knows you are the greatest!

You do that, and you know that...the rest will take care of itself. Most life changing 10 second sermon you'll ever get. haha

Public Service Announcement:
Christians, stop picking your bullets!
Love Jesus, love people, listen, speak love, speak acceptance, speak life, and keep bull crap opinions to yourself! What you think is right might not be! Sampson married a Philistine woman based on the fact she was hot. His parents didn't think that was right. "His parents did not know that this was from the Lord..." (Judges 14:4). What appears to be right might not be. What appears to be wrong might not be. Love Jesus. Love other people. Seek His face.

What a lovely day for a controversial blog!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Defining Moments

The past couple of weeks I have become extremely bored in class. I'm not talking about the kind of bored that makes you a little agitated. I'm talking about the bored, if it can even be called that, that takes you to the verge of death and brings you back again with a greater appreciation for life...and stupid people. In an attempt to fight off the death angel and get through my 2-3 hour classes (two 3 hour classes on Wednesday-back to back! uggggh) I have been thinking up questions to ask one of my friends so that I can get to know them better. I'm pretty close to a million! Not really. During this "free-time" I have also come up ideas for things I can do for/with my family this summer and have continued working on Inhale International stuff.

Today I had a revelation!

As I was thinking up more questions and writing down ideas (during Mandarin Class) for this summer that will all but guarantee me the title of greatest son/brother ever, it hit me. I'm fairly certain that "it" was God. I discovered one of my defining moments.

A few years back I destroyed a church. To be more precise I...
1. Toppled over a computer
2. Threw some stuff through a window (from the inside)
3. Kicked the cross off of the pulpit
4. Proceeded to "pick up" the pulpit and "place" it at another location in the sanctuary

So I didn't really "destroy" the church...I rearranged it! Some remodelling. You know, that kind of stuff.

Now, the events leading up to this display of masculine, mani-ness, magnificent (enough of the alliteration) power are not for you to know. What you do need to know is that for the first time ever the Lord is showing me that this act was a defining moment in my life...In a good way.

Before you start to preach to me about destroying the "House of God" and start to come against me, let me give you some of my thoughts...

1. I'm not really sorry for what I did
2. People place too much emphasis on the church building
3. I've already been criticized and preached to by someone concerning the incident...worst sermon I've ever heard! Not really. That was my cocky-ness speaking.
4. I think what I did was, in a weird way, exactly what I was supposed to do.

So, I just wanted you all to know that I, Brandon T. Kightlinger, have beaten up a church, that I am not really sorry for it, and that the Lord is about to show me some pretty sweet stuff that "snapped" inside of me and changed me forever, during this act.

The process of self discovery and revelation is pretty awesome!

*note: My next tattoo (sometime next year) is going to be on my upper back and is going to say Revelation (in Aramaic).

Karate Kid

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What a Mess!

Reading the Bible has been really "interesting" lately, to say the least. In all honesty, after this week I am thoroughly convinced that the Bible is the most dysfunctional book ever! Coming to this realization has really made me question one thing. Have Christians actually read the Bible!?

I don't think they have....and here is why.

1. The "cool" people in the church would be the messed-up ones.
2. The most revered people would be bastards (literally!)...in fact, they would lead the church!
3. Pastors would be married to prostitutes...or at least have a kid with one (it wasn't just Hosea).
4. All the depictions of Jesus wouldn't be some white guy!
5. Modelling your life after Christ would take you to the hood, not just to church.
6. We wouldn't be so easily offended.
7. The "guests of honor" would have aids, or some other deadly disease.
8. We would be carrying the paralyzed into our churches.
9. We would care more about the lost than we do about our possessions.
10. We would stop comparing ourselves to people and start comparing ourselves to God!
11. The greatest ministers would be Schizophrenic (check out Jesus in John 7...I know He isn't, but people thought He was demon possessed! He was all over the place) or at least, wouldn't preach "people friendly" messages.

I am firmly convinced that if you aren't messed up in some way....well, to be blunt, you're lame!

So that was a little harsh. Let me put it this way. Almost every great man or woman of God in scripture had some crap! Heck, even the "non great" ones did! They had some skeletons in the closet. They were screwed up. They weren't perfect. They were rejected. People didn't like them and often complained about them. They were persecuted. They were spoken against.....

And as a result, they changed the world.

This said, stop looking at the "problems" of people as problems. Stop exiling the broken and screwed up. Stop expecting people to be perfect. And please stop being uptight Bible bashers! Because you need to realize...the people you are effecting and speaking against will someday be ruling over you and they are the ones who are greatest in the Kingdom. Their "problems" are preparation. Their exile leads to vision and dreams. Their imperfection drives them closer to Christ. And their passion is their Love, Jesus, not your hypocritical bashing.

Can I get an "Amen!"? haha

So curious minds want to know. When did it become the cool thing to have it all together?

I guess when people started reading the Bible for agenda rather than for truth.

Let us, the Body of Christ, return to truth!

The Least of these...More like, The Greatest.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Urine on the Seat

I could stop at that...but I'm not going to.

Urine on the seat. Those four words have imprinted an image on the minds of every person who has read them. An image of disease, pestilence, and world war, all of which take place on your bottom. Luckily, for many, you do not have to live in this harsh reality of having to deal with this problem on a daily basis- for you, it stays just an image. For the rest of us, the not so lucky, we deal.

Seriously though! The toilet bowl is about 500-1,000 times the size (depending on whether it is one of the super elongated ones) of the average stream of pee. With this in mind, how does a guy completely miss the water and coat the seat in his own urine!? While the seat is up mind you! Now, I am not coming to you as someone who is batting 1000 here. I have had my share of seat-assaults.

When I was 5!

In all honesty I still occasionally miss the mark and the ricochet effect often comes into play... BUT! in the case of an all out seat assault (one in a million) it is cleaned up...well it used to be cleaned up.

After a couple of days of having to wipe the seat down with wet toilet paper and then having to line it with its brother, dry toilet paper, I have become fed-up. Kind of like my mom when I would continually get on her nerves (man, I can back-talk with the best of 'em). I don't care any more.

"What is the moral of the story?" you may be asking.

The moral is this.
Quit peeing on the toilet seat, because if you don't I will purposely miss and you will get my pee on your back side!...to the point that your butt will be wet for the rest of your life! And everyone will call you "raisin butt" (kind of like your fingers after being in the bath tub too long). And you will need thousands of dollars worth of counselling from their insults. And while you are being insulted your butt will fall off, because everyone knows that if your skin stays wet for that long there has to be some serious damage.

"Ewwwwww" I can hear it now. That is what people will say!

I told you I was fed-up!

There is good news though. All of this can be avoided if you would just concentrate, quit watching the fan, or whatever else needs to be done while relieving yourself. Or sit down like a girl! (in America, because in China girls don't sit down...nobody does, unless you fall...squatty potty!). Just do whatever it takes, please!

Potty Etiquette

Monday, March 12, 2007

A. Dancer B.Singer C.Thespian D.

All of the above.

And the answer is...D!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, I, Brandon T. Kightlinger, am now a legit Dancer, Singer, and Actor! This past week I began my social dance classes (which will soon be joined with Hip-Hop on Thursday night), tonight I was persuaded to join an acting group and may have acquired the lead in an upcoming short, french comedy, and then during a fire drill I was asked if I was still interested in joining a group for a singing contest (I may get to rap! Straight Gangsta!). Oh, what a week!

So I cussed more tonight than I have in my whole life up 'til this point. Well, that is not really true....but as part of my role I do have to drop a few (close your eyes if you don't want to be corrupted!) Damns, Hells, ass (1), and piss. Hey! It's the french! Just Kidding. It was really funny for me actually. I don't regularly use curse (or words deemed as "cuss") in my everyday language, so when I had to cuss during readings I was like, "Whoa, that sounded really stupid!". I guess I'm just not a well practiced "cusser". Don't worry though Mom, I'll get better! haha

For those of you who are thinking, I really want to see Brandon and his newly acquired talents, no need to worry. I will be home on May 29th and I would be more than happy to share any of the three with you...for a slight fee! Seriously.

Romeo, Oh Romeo!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Beautiful Rivers From Inner Clouds

Under Construction.....Poem will occupy area

Coming Tomorrow!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Dance Class

I took my first dance class today. I think I had a little too much "hip" action for my partner...all those squats for football! I'm just kidding. I'm so funny!

I really enjoyed myself! The dances that we started tonight were Waltz, Cha-Cha, and some other Spanish dance. When I say "dance" by the way I'm not talking about straight armed, you-stay-put, you may still have cooties type stuff! We are talking the down and dirty real deal!

Although I knew all the girls would love to dance with me (insecurity talking there) I still was so nervous! You had to get close, real close! I'm talking body on body here! I told you it was the real deal. Now it was already pretty stink'n hot in there, seeing we opted to not use the air conditioning, but when you have to dance really close with someone you hardly know...Let's just say I was sweating like Brandon when he talks to a girl (seemed like the best example!). Now, I sucked up my nervousness and danced with confidence. The result? A performance that would have won So You Think You Can Dance? Until...

There is always that person. You know who I'm talking about. The person who in normal, everyday life would not make you blink let alone get nervous. That's everyday life. There is always that moment though, "The Moment of Fire." I call it the moment of fire because it is at this moment that you begin to sweat like you have never sweated in your life. You are more wet at this moment than you were when you emerged from your mother's womb! You are sweating, you are wet! This moment can come at any time but it will come. You can count on this fact. Average Jane, the above mentioned person, they are better than you at something. And someday you are going to have to do that something with them. And you will be embarrassed. And you would rather be going through a meat grinder than doing that one thing at that one moment, with that one person. And you can't get away because they were next in line. And you will try to make eye contact like your supposed to but in your mind you'll think, "Brandon quit smiling, you look like an idiot, you're a stud...act like it. Quit smiling darn it!". And then you'll wonder what they are thinking because of course you are turning beat red. And then you will continue to beat the crap out of yourself (mentally of course) until you realize the music has stopped. And then you let her go from your firm embrace and you realize...

That wasn't that bad. She was pretty cute! I kind of like dancing with the instructor.

Oh! Dance lessons. How I love thee.

So I have a wedding that I have to attend this summer. I will be ready for that wedding's after party. And I will be ready for that after party's dance floor. And for the rest of my life I will be known as Brandon "the dancing machine" Kightlinger. It makes a tear come to your eye, doesn't it?

Cha-Cha Slide

Friday, March 9, 2007

Just plain Laziness

That's the verdict.

After long days sometimes you just don't want to write. Call it writer's block. Call it perfection marinating for another day. Call it laziness. Don't call it whatever you want (bad things happen!).

Enough of the past! I'm back. Don't worry you don't have to welcome me back like Mase.

Mid-terms were this week. Brandon was uptight this week...at times. Cause and Effect? Perhaps.

The official results of the tests are not yet in but there is an overwhelming feeling from the "test-taker". I either kicked the snot out of those tests or they owned me!

You may be asking, "How can this be?" How can someone be so torn? Let me enlighten you.

The first test I took fused my brain waves with a case study. The result...genius answers. Unfortunately, I don't know if my professor is as genius as I.

I studied for my second test...just not enough! As I was reading through the test booklet I was like "I have studied this...but I'm not 100% sure...crap!" With this beautiful thought assaulting my precious mind I proceeded to take "educated guesses" (more like "wishful attempts") on pretty much every question. I have no idea how I did.

Well, the weekend approaches. Saturday night is rapidly approaching and joy is circling me like stars around the dome of a KOd punk. For the first time in years I am so excited to go to church! Warning: Good Weekend Rapidly Approaching!

p.s. Chante', I love you!

Beautifully Brisk Black Nights (KRW, how's that for alliteration!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Two Springfields!!!!

Worst Revelation Ever!

There are two Springfields in Ohio...and they chose the other one! Do you know what this means! Do you really know what this means!? It means my generation (those of us in Akron) still have no uplifting, good music to listen to! Man, I really don't like "seafood"!

Sandi Patty Here I come...



Ladies and Gentlemen I possibly have the greatest news to ever hit the Akron area!

RadioU, the best radio station ever, can now be heard at 98.7 FM. The station has expanded and now reaches the Springfield area. I am really hoping that this signal can be picked up in the Akron area (peeps you might want to do a little test for me!) but if not at least I only have to drive to Springfield (as compared to Columbus) to hear good music.

We don't want to bash radio stations here but if you are tired of "seafood" and want to listen to some good (really good...not, "we are putting up with Amy Grant") music RadioU is for you!

All of Heaven Rejoices!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Thought of the Day- 4 March 2007

I purchased a new CD on itunes today. Great CD. Terrible band name!

The name of the group is Group 1 Crew. See! I told you it was a terrible name!

The lack of creativity displayed in the name in no way reflect the lyrical masterpiece you will find in Group 1 Crew's album. They are the perhaps the first group on the "Christian" music (other than Christian rock which tends to be ahead or right on with the industry) side of things that actually succeeds at being "up to par" and honestly, good for their genre.

Warning: This is a hip-hop/soul/rap album...not recommended for fans of Carmen!

If you don't like hip-hop, purchase the CD for no other reason than the fact that it has a white girl who can rap really good! Appriciate that! Also, there are some really good beats and songs that just make you want to shake your booty*! (aka. Dance...for all of you over the age of 40...or those who have no radio...or ears).

*Shaking your booty can also translate into:
"Move your hips"
"Cut the rug"
"Get Down"
"Shake your money maker"
or "Dance" (as already clarified)

For those of you who do not condone dancing (the Taylor Admin.) this CD will inspire excessive humming and finger tapping!

Brandon gives this Album (self titled by the way)...

Two Raptor Toes Way Up!

Favorite Songs
1. Forgive Me
2. Love is a Beautiful Thing
3. What Yo Name Is
4. I Have a Dream (White Girl Raps! A miracle, I know!)

CD Reviews from Hong Kong

Car Alarms...

Are stupid!

Well, maybe they are useful. When they keep going off at 12:34 in the morning though, an individual is nearly pushed to insanity! OK, it stopped. "You better turn that junk off!" One of those things you think often but rarely say.

On another note. I had a fantastic night tonight! I went to a church on Hong Kong Island called The Vine. Every saturday night they have their 20-somethings service. It was fantastic!

-I went with expectation.
-God showed up very strongly in my life....the real stuff.
-There was a divine encounter (totally God)
-A series on Sonship was started tonight...by the way, we aren't all God's children! There are Christians who aren't children of God (Romans 8:13-17)...interesting thought and study!
-Words of Wisdom
Not necissarily in that order.

To top the night off, on my way back from church I ran into some of my semi-drunk friends! Funny! I was able to clear up that I just got poop on my hand, I didn't completely fall into the squatty potty! Good times

Mom I'll tell you more later!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Thought of the Day- 2 March 2007


I have two mid-terms coming up next week. The first bundle of fun comes on Monday, Entrepreneurship and New Venture, while my second joyful encounter comes on Wednesday, International Marketing. I hate mid-terms...and finals for that matter. One or Two hours define your entire semester. One hour to place an achievement tag on months of work and study.

What if you are a terrible test taker!? Stinks to be you!

I am finding that I am really not a good test taker. In fact, I hate taking tests. If you know me, you know that I sweat. Not a little sweat, a lot of sweat! When it comes time to take tests it is as God takes Niagara Falls and inserts it into my arm-pits. Now I am not only worried about the test but also self conscious! It is a vicious cycle. Plus, I am quite certain the girl across the room would rather take her test on dry land rather than having to utilize a life raft just so she doesn't drown in the process. I sweat a lot!

I am going to be doing a lot of studying this weekend. Seriously! Did you see a "j/k" at the end of that sentence?! I am a changed man. I study now. Let me rephrase that...I am going to begin studying. I will be a changed man!

Pray for me.
Pray that I study.
Pray that I find an anti-perspirant/deodorant that works.
Pray that girls would quite running away from Brandon "the arm-pit rapids" Kightlinger.
Pray that I wont need therapy from them running.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thought of the Day- 1 March 2007

The motive behind it.

Motive is everything!

It is like this in murder (pre-meditated or not). It is like this in life (why are they nice to me?). It is like this with Spiritual maturity.

I just had a conversation with my mother, a conversation that went pretty long and I think pretty well, and one of the points I addressed was the motive of engagement.

The topic of choice was this, music. Point: not every "Christian band" is beneficial or redemptive and not every "non-Christian" (terrible terms by the way) band not beneficial or redemptive. We both agree on this. As this convo developed (and yes we did talk about other things) a concern came up.

What do you when people take this truth and use it to listen to whatever they want?

There is some crap music out there. There is some "Christian music" that is crap. It is extremely shallow, watered down, cookie cutter, non-redemptive, hiding, terrible musicianship-ed garbage. You will find the same from "non". There are some terrible things said in music, a lot of cussing, a ton of violence, and a lot of truth amidst it all. What are your motives?

I do not believe it is wrong for Christians to listen to "non-Christian" music. I do believe it is wrong to listen to it in order to "fill" the cravings of your flesh. There are some incredible truths found in some "non-Christian" music but there is also alot of shallow, garbage filled, flesh fueling works of crap out there too. What are your motives.

When someone engages music. Catch that! Engages...not just listens. There is redemptive, eye opening processes that take place. What are you going to do when your eyes are open? Are you going to sit there and just fuel the furnace or are you going to burn something up? What are your motives.

I know people who cannot listen to "non-Christian" music. There is nothing wrong with that. I know some "Christian" music they shouldn't be listening to as well. When they compromise and listen to it under the cover of "it has redemptive value...or...it is truthful" they are setting themselves up for failure. Soon they will be listening to everything, crappy music included, for no other reason than to feed their flesh. What are your motives.

So, it comes down to that. Motives. If you can't do it, don't! Don't engage something under the false cover of engaging culture when all you want is a fix of the flesh. By the way, If a song is not redemptive, truthful, or reveal the nature/truth of God's heart, quit making up crap to make it seem alright for you to engage it. If it looks like crap, smells like crap, tastes* like crap...it's crap!

* It is part of the saying! I wasn't going to change the whole saying just because I used "crap".


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thought of the Day- 28 February 2007

I shaved my head. Not totally bald. It is about 1.2 cm long.

I think when I get tan...or red, which is far more likely...I will look pretty stink'n good.

I got me head shaved one other time in my life and it didn't fit me so well. Now, 16 or so years later, it doesn't look so bad. My head has matured!

Football Haircut 2007


Why in the world haven't I gotten any e-mails from my mom!? Mom, this is just me putting our business out there in hopes that you will gain some inspiration for an e-mail. Grant it, I did talk to you two days ago and all, but I really like e-mails and I want more of them! I am pretty sure that I check my e-mail more times daily, in hope that I will have received a message from people I love, than a pediatrician checks temperatures during flu season! I am a geek like that. What can I say! I really appreciate the people in my life and I like to hear from them. So Mom...write (and quit using spellcheck, unless it is absolutely necessary, because it is more original without it. just kidding).

Speaking of "hearing from people"...can a brother get a feedback comment? ha ha

Love you Mom! Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Guilt Trip

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Beauty of Purification

I don't think you can ever truly appriciate cleansing by water if you have never been dirty. I don't think the "greatest" testimonies are those of "big" sinners becoming holy. I do think however, that the greatest thankfullness and passion for purification comes from those who lived the crapiest lives and saw the face of God staring at them through the muck.

God just keeps digging deeper. I think if he keeps going he might strike oil! I don't think He wants oil though, oil has caused too many wars and will soon be gone, I think He wants gold.

Have you ever thought about the other side of stories?

I am the man who sold everything he had in order to purchase the pearl of great price. I found the pearl, I see my sacrifice, I see the transaction, I see the treasure. What about the man who sold me the pearl? The man who possesed the greatest of all treasures from the start? He is handing me my treasure (the Kingdom) but what is his treasure. Why does he just give up the most precious thing in the world to me? Why does he allow me to sell everything for a pearl? If it is that special why does he give it up at all?! Perhaps it is because he to sold everything. He saw his pearl, He made the sacrifice, He initiated and finshed the transaction, and as I sell everything for His pearl he finally comes face to face with His treasure. I am His pearl! The kingdom is His gift, His destiny for me. I guess that is what being a King of a kingdom is all about.

I don't fully understand, I do ramble a lot though!

So oil will soon be gone. Good! Gas costs too much anyway. If they keep digging beyond the surface where they keep looking, kind of like God is doing with me, I am sure they will find something. It will be a process though.

Processes suck! Process means time, time means life, life leads to death, death leads to life, and the whole time you are in a process! Too bad there isn't this "kill me quick" button that gets rid of all the bad junk and accentuated the really spectacular features that you posses. This would completely remove drawn out processes...and maturity...never mind.

There is something beautiful in seeing the roaring waters of God rush over your inner being. When your vision returns and all you hear is the sweet trickle of the life giving springs, you look and find that one layer has been removed and you are more beautiful than you could ever have imagined.

I am desperatly awaiting the next big wave. I want to regain my sight and gaze upon something beautiful in myself.

River of God-Flow steady, Flow Strong, Rush Over Me!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Ashes for Ashtrays

It is kind of like a beautiful poem being written on the tablet of a heart.
Your expectancy grows with every stroke of the pen.
Your passions ignite as thousands turn to hundreds and hours turn to minutes.
You approach the door of countless memories and innumerable dreams.
The sun shines brighter in your eye and your heart begins to sweat.

At the end of the alley the door approaches-a metal ring binds it shut.
The crack in the wood reveals nothing and your heart sinks-your purpose is gone.

It is as if the sorrow of the world was rolled up within a beautiful masterpiece.
Lick the edge to close it shut. Or just use your tears as the binding seal.
Inhale. The most cancerous of all agents. Failure

Fear is what is exhaled.

The residue lines your garments that were once of many colors.
You were given the cloak that was more beautiful than the flowers of the fields. Only slight glimmers of the raiment appear now as you have been in the gutter for just the right time.
You do not so much prefere the garments of kings as the rags of the beggar.
A white robe will one day await you.

The darkness falls on another cold town in another cold world.
You dream of futures and families, of princes and princesses.

The Sun announces the redemption at hand.
A new masterpiece has been painted, new Kings and Queens await their crowns.

This is the life of the broken, the life of a servant
Our lives are not ashes for ashtrays but incence for an altar
Our tears are not lost in the oceans but dripped as the oil of kings.

Lijiang-Random thoughts for random feelings

Pride or Promise

Have you ever thought that you where created for something great?
You don't really see what "the greatness" will be but you just hope that your life will be used for exatraordinary, time transending purposes.

Have you ever been afraid of telling other people that you think you were made for greatness? You are hesitant because they will be quick to point out your "pride", although they never see the excessive breaking, pain, and sorrow that comes with the call. Is it wrong to desire for people to know your name because it points so strongly to God? Is it wrong to desire a manifestation of Holy Spirit annointing so strongly that nations quake before you?

Was it wrong for Abraham to trust God for descendants as numerous as the stars in the heavens or for the Israelites to refer to God as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
*Note: There are some people's names in there besides God

Is it wrong to desire to be known as you make Christ known? Is it wrong to tell others to follow you as you follow Christ.

Why do Christains make your promise feel like pride and your destiny like fault?

Pride or Promise

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

China Update

So I am finding out quite alot about myself.

1. I cannot just be a tourist! If I am not going with purpose I am not a happy person. This has been one of the most amazing adventures I have ever been on but also one of the most unfullfilling. When you pass people everywhere who need what you have it is so hard to just keep going and hiking.

2. I need alot of character development! I am currently "leading" a group of four other students from HKBU and pretty much everything has gone...not good. We started off not getting our train tickets but we came up with a genius plan.
I. Go to Nanning (where they had a market with live cobras and brain!)
II. Take a flight from Nanning to Kunming

Problem #2
One of the guys lost his ticket and they would not let him on the plane (although the plane had like 20 empty seats and his name was in the computer). So, with like 2 minutes before check-in closed I was still trying to get my friend an0ther flight (they said the one with 20 empty seats was "full").

Problem #3
In the rush to get my bags checked I put my bag through...with Kerosene (EXPLOSIVE) containers in it! They got through! That may seem good but it is not! Now, I didn't get arrested but you know how scary it is flying on a plane that you know has explosive containers on it!? I think not! The very thing I was going to use to cook our food was going to cook us!

If you ask me, I'll finish the story later.

Anyway, I have had a horrible attitude. The story I just mentioned, as well as some other things have really revealed what is in me...and I don't like it. You can never determine what will happen to you but you do determine how you will respond...I haven't responded very well and God has really convicted me of it. Although, I am sure that some of it is because I fell so purposeless (except for in a couple of days when I will get to see my friends) this is not the only reason for my attitude.

This past day and a half has been really great though! Today was a really special day. We weren't able to get a bus to the Tibet border until tomorrow and it has turned out to be really awesome! Even though I am in one of the most beautiful places in the world, which leaves you breathless (literally...10,000 ft), people are what I really am amazed by. Today has left me amazed. More to come

Chinese New Year

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I am stink'n Tired!

After many a phone call last night (the longest being my mother for around 1 hour) and many changes to my pack I finally went to sleep at approx. 6 am. I hate alarm clocks! More specifically, I hate phones that have the alarm clock function. Even more specifically, I hate phones with the alarm clock function which ring at 8:05 am and confuse the crap out of you because you can't figure out why the alarm keeps going off when you just turned it off 30 seconds ago and you never come to fully realize that the alarm is indeed not going off but rather someone is calling you, a someone who is about to receive an angered, confused answer from someone who doesn't want to be awake or confused.

I say stupid stuff in the morning. I make run-on sentences too.

As I prepare to enter the freezing Himalayas I leace you with this stupid question.

If you shot a penguine, say, in the face...would it bleed blue?

This is not a trick question! This is just the poopy sentences that come into your head when you are awake after 1 hour of sleep in Hong Kong where for most of the night you were snuff'n fumes because of the poo-lution that was seeping through the open windows along with the noise of all ages accumulated into one single sound. I digress

Himalayas here I come!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thought of the Day- 14 February 2007

Business Cards

I am leaving for Mainland China tomorrow. Faith. We are going to attempt to get a train, one that will take us on a 26 hour ride (you hear that Bryce? A whole day in a train!), from one of the busiest cities in China, during Chinese New Year! Good Luck Me.

We are going to go to Lijiang where some of my favorite people in the world live and maybe catch a ride up into the border towns of Tibet. Our guide of choice? Lonely Planet, of course! Only problem is I forgot my LP at home so I had to buy another one. Price? Around 35-40 dollars...ughghghg! That is like 3 days in China!

Of course I just can't go into a store and buy what I went in to buy, so I purchased two other books (a bit less of a price than LP) on advertising and business tips. One of the books is quite funny and has some good advice that I am going implement right now. The book illustrates the importance of seeing yourself as you want others to see you. The author gives an example through business cards.

Here is "that-guys" card

Bob Jones
Gas Pump Attendant
Now, the other guys
Bob Jones
Gas Distributor and Technician
Bob Jones #2 sounds like the real deal!
Another Example:
Jim Johnson
Jim B. Johnson
Using this format let me present my business card.
Brandon Kightlinger
Broke College Student, Professional Dreamer, Girl Scare-er,
Excessive Sweater, Raptor Toe Extraordinaire
Brandon T. Kightlinger
World Leader and Dreamer
Founder and President of Inhale International Inc.
I like #2 a little better!
I will try to update a couple of times while in Mainland.
Please be praying that we have safe travels and that we can gain access to Tibet. Thanks
More than Business

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thought of the Day- 13 February 2007

Valentines Day...

We're not going to talk about Valentine's Day, okay! We are going to talk about failure.

First, computer failure. I am currently in the computer lab at school because the Internet on my computer is not working (hence, no blog yesterday). This makes for an interesting scenario because all the screen tabs are in Chinese! Speaking of Chinese

Second, I bombed my Mandarin test today! Holy Smokes it was bad. Failure! Speaking of Failure

I don't really care about failure anymore. It doesn't scare me. It does however, make me really mad! I am a mature man practically ready to be completely independent...except for the you-have-to-buy-your-own-crap clause that comes with independence, of course. I mean, there comes a point in life when you pick your battles. You deem what you will invest your life in, what classes you will take seriously, which girls you are gonna let walk all over you because they're hot, etc. You are all smart people; you know what I am talking about.

When failure really hurts though is when you fail at something you are willing to invest your life in. That is why today's Mandarin test hurt so bad. Granted, I didn't really study (I have alot of excuses though...don't judge me!), but I still could have done better than what I did. It was all Chinese to me! Seriously though, I really want to learn Chinese! I don't completely know what my future holds but I know that the Chinese people will be a part of it. I know that I have brothers and sisters in China that I have never been able to talk to because we speak different languages. I want to learn from them. I want to hear their stories. On top of this though...I want to understand what they are teaching and their stories!

Failure Stinks!

Redemption is approaching though....can I get a "Mid-term" anybody!?

Chinese Class, Valentines Day, Flower Market...Life goes on

For those of you who don't have a Valentine,

"Will you be my Valentine?"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Thought of the Day- 11 February 2007

Minority Report
by: Jay-Z

This is a song I heard the other day and I must say it is really good. Here are the verses.

*Note: There are some explicit words in this song. I have highlighted these in red and have placed an alternative word next to them in [] so that, if reading to children, you can "Disney" it down for them. Seek Justice!

(Verse 1 Jay-Z)
people was poor before the hurricane came
but the down pour poured is like when mary j. sang
every day it rains, so every day the pain
but ignored them, and showed em the risk was to blame
for life is a chain, cause and effected
niggas [people] off the chain because they affected
it's a dirty game so whatever is effective
from weed to selling kane, gotta put that in effect
wouldn't you loot, if you didn't have the loot?
baby needed food and you stuck on the roof
helicopter swooped down just to get a scoop
through his telescopic lens but he didn't scoop you
the next five days, no help ensued
they called you a refugee because you seek refuge
the commander-in-chief just flew by
did he stop? no, he had a couple seats
just proved jet blue he's not
jet flew by the spot
what if he ran out of jet fuel and just dropped
hu,that woulda been something to watch
helicopters doing fly-bys to take a couple of shots
couple of portraits then ignored 'em
he'd be just another bush surrounded by a couple orchids
poor kids just 'cause they were poor kids
left 'em on they porches same old story in new orleans
silly rappers, because we got a couple porches
mtv stopped by to film our fortresses
we forget the unfortunate
sure i ponied up a mill, but i didn't give my time
so in reality i didn't give a dime, or a damn [darn]
i just put my monies in the hands of the same people that left my people stranded
nothin' but a bandit left them folks abandoned
damn [Man], that money that we gave was just a band-aid
can't say we better off than we was before

in synopsis this is my minority report
can't say we better off than we was before
in synopsis this is my minority report

(Verse 2 - ne-yo)
so many times i'm, covering my eyes
peeking through my fingers
tryin' to hide my, frustration at the way that we treat
(seems like we don't even care)
turn on the tv, seein' the pain
sayin' such a shame then tryin' to go on with my life
of that, i too, am guilty
(seems like we don't even care)
so we send a lil' money, tell 'em it's alright
to be able to sleep at night
you will pay that price
while some of these folks' lost their whole life
(seems like we don't even care)
now it wasn't on the nightly news no more
suddenly it didn't matter to you no more
in the end almost nothing changed
what the hell [heck], what was that for?
(seems like we don't even care)

No matter the political stance you hold or your opinion of the President...look at the deeper message of this song. What are we doing to seek justice? Injustice is everywhere. People are dying everywhere. You are needed everywhere! Why not act where you are? I am not talking about your money, although it is important, I am talking about you!

Your life is a treasure...give it away.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thought of the Day- 10 February 2007

4 Hours

I went to a chinese church with a local girl from HKBU today. I was really suprised because it was all teenagers and college students...their adult church meets at another location on Sunday mornings. It was all in Cantonese (that is not english!) except for two of the worship songs which were in english. Knees to the ground, hands lifted high, cries unto God, a beautiful thing!

I had a revelation today....languages are amazing! After they got through the english songs they played Hillsongs' Worthy is the Lamb in Mandarine. It was during this time of mandarine language song that I found God worthy worship. While the church sung unto God in mandarine I joined the chorus in heavenly bliss, in English. At that moment the nations came to peace, the peoples found their purpose, and our God smiled. A beautiful song!

Revelation 7:9
After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from ever nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb....

A beautiful thing

A beautiful song

A beautiful sight

A Beautiful Church
No my Love! The Honor is all mine!

Thought of the Day- 9 February 2007


So I am totally on this love kick! My whole life I have heard people say that they have "fallen into love" and that they "love pizza". Personally nothing good has ever come about from me falling, and come on, pizza isn't that good! In fact, I fell off a 50 ft cliff before and all it got me was a demolished, grotesque knee and a sweet scar....not a babe! In fact (again), it wasn't until recently that I found out that "all the girls liked me" in 5th grade, the year I fell off the cliff. If I would have known that I would haved milked that injury for all it was worth...Brandon would have been getting some kisses for sure!

Moving along.

In all honesty and seriousness, I am pursuing love. What does it mean to love? What does it "feel" like to love someone. How do you know if you genuinely love someone or if you are just saying you do? How can I live a life focused on love? Why do we tell people we love them?...shouldn't we be asking them if we love them?

So my mom sent me this excerpt from a book today and I think that every Christian should have the opportunity to read it. I hope you like it.

The Language of Love
by: Graham Cooke

Jesus Christ: Treasure hunter

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus spoke to the treasure God had deposited in people. He even blessed the spiritual treasure people themselves did not realize they had. Jesus once met a crooked tax collector named Zacchaeus. Not once did Jesus reveal the man's sin. All He did was bless him and honor him. Humbled, Zacchaeus knew what to do: "Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold" (Luke 19:8) The man simply stopped cheating others, signed away half of his possessions and made a contract with heaven to restore what he had previously stolen. "I robbed you of a hundred dollars; here's four hundred back" That is God at work in one of His special treasures.

God has placed His fingerprint in the people around us, and we need to speak to that spiritual treasure. In Johns gospel we read that the disciple Philip brought his brother, Nathanael, to meet Jesus. Nathanael was at first skeptical: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" he asked. But when he finally met Jesus, the Lord spoke to the treasure in him: "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!" Jesus said, noting prophetically that He had seen Nathanael sitting under a fig tree earlier that day(John 1: 46-47). "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" exclaimed Nathanael(John1:49), who then left everything behind and became a disciple. Jesus had spotted the treasure deposited in Nathanael's life and had spoken to it. The result? Nathanael became a pillar of the early church.

Jesus knew that whatever He spoke to would create greater value in people. Humanity always speaks to the earthen vessel, noting every crack, flaw, and warp: " If you put this right, and change that, then we'll let you in and accept you." God is not remotely like that. He speaks to the treasure in a person and releases it from captivity of the flesh. He extracts the precious from the worthless. We often try to do the opposite - take out the trash and see what is left. When we speak to the treasure in people, it moves to the surface of their lives, from the hidden to the obvious. And the rubbish always comes with it. When people see their own worth, they get rid of their own carnality...God knows there is treasure in all of us, and He wants to bring it to the surface. Do not let your view of the worthless obscure that which is precious about a person. We have to change the way we think of and behave around other people. We must realize that our real enemies are the devil and his demons...

*Note: If there were any spelling errors in this...my mom isn't the best typer (runs in the family) so have mercy. This was a long stink'n excerpt!

More love to Come!