Sunday, March 18, 2007

Prayer Call

Oh, Please No!
Don't say that...not those words!
Wasn't I enough? Must you slay the souls of more innocent!

Your beautiful garment flows free with the wind of "the Spirit"
For whom the Son hath set free is free indeed...right?
Who you set free....well, it isn't me!
The oil of anointing on your fingers still provides a slick spread for the indulgences you are trying to sell.
What a beautiful mix!
The healing of bodies with the killing of souls!
The Bible couldn't have told it any you do!
The reformation has taught you nothing except how to make a point?
The only problem is that your points are always pointing to me!

You liar, you white-washed tomb! Those are my favorites, those are the truths.
You dig through the book to pick out your bullets.
"Bang" goes the dynamite! The pistol breaths out its hot fuel.
God just dropped dead.
Oh wait...never mind. "God" is you?
I am the one who just kissed death.
But wait! How can this be?
You killed me a long time ago
But who's counting?

You Are!
The bodies rack up as mercy disappears. The souls lay shaking as grace runs in fear.
The chains lead the prisoners into the abyss.
Satan in all of his splendor could not have imagined this!

You man of God?
You man of man!
You man of yourself!
You man up, now!

I've tasted the truth, I've seen what is sweet.
The love of my maker, the freedom He brings.

Russian roulette you were playing quite well...when the gun was to my head!
The barrel revolves around an axis of blood drenched wounds.
The least of which are mine.
Pull the trigger. Watch me bleed.
My dear teacher, my dear friend you fail to see the picture.

Go ahead, it's OK.
That's it.
Take your nose, and your eyes, and your judgemental glances out of the blood.
The wound you carved on my tender flesh has begun to close.
Hurry Up!
Let me remove them for you!
Get your filthy self out of my heart! Your approval is no longer needed!

Open your eyes! You bitter viper, open them!
Your weapon of choice is oiled and prime.
A great weapon of choice to kill another mind.
"Bang" goes the dynamite!
You killed God!
Wait! He has already been killed.
His blood drenched wounds oiled the axis of the bitter assault.
You, my friend, are shooting blanks!

Your voice is silent among the explosions of Grace.
Your calls of abandonment are void in this place.
You preach from a box close to crystal mansions
but I reside in a tower next to hell.
A tower of grace.
A tower of mercy.
A tower that beckons all to run in.

The chains are falling off.
The devil cries in panic!
It has been so long since he has had to do anything...the church has done it for him!

The words you spoke that bonded me have been removed.
You have stolen my love, you have stolen my heart.
Hide and Seek has never dealt so many tears!

You hid.
I found.

He healed.
I speak.

You placed on bondage O "man of God".
He, my Love, set free.

What a delightful dance of beauty defined.
Being relocated to the gates of hell to true life!

The prayer call beckons.




Oh, wounder of calls for you too!

What a Beautiful Love

This is a "poem" (kind of) that flowed freely (most of it) as I typed. It is just thoughts on some of the screwed up images of God and of my "duties, responsibilities, etc" that I have acquired over the years from church and Christian teaching. The images and ideas I have gotten from these personally embraced teachings have led me down some pretty crappy roads and have honestly distorted God. This is stuff I am now starting to deal with. I have come to the conclusion that these teachings (the ones that inspired this outburst) and ideas have placed me in bondage and have actually taken me away from freedom in Christ.

Love Jesus. Love people. Seek God
He loves you. He seeks you. He knows you are the greatest!

You do that, and you know that...the rest will take care of itself. Most life changing 10 second sermon you'll ever get. haha

Public Service Announcement:
Christians, stop picking your bullets!
Love Jesus, love people, listen, speak love, speak acceptance, speak life, and keep bull crap opinions to yourself! What you think is right might not be! Sampson married a Philistine woman based on the fact she was hot. His parents didn't think that was right. "His parents did not know that this was from the Lord..." (Judges 14:4). What appears to be right might not be. What appears to be wrong might not be. Love Jesus. Love other people. Seek His face.

What a lovely day for a controversial blog!


Melissa said...

Wow...very deep...seriously! Just imagine(thats a song from barney) that I am clicking my fingers right now. Your poem really spoke to me...seriously!

Anonymous said...

"WOW" all I can say is "WOW" That is just amazing