Friday, May 30, 2008

BranDON- The Origin of My Name

So I just found out today how my name came to be what it is. While there are many variations of my name, which include: Branden, Brandan, Brendan, Brendon (I actually have never heard of that one but I’m sure someone probably has it), etc. my name itself, Brandon, came about from a love relationship between my Mom and strapping young lad. You see, the year was 1972 (actually I don’t know the year) and my mother was engaged to be married to this guy....OK, I’m lying. The truth is....this is so embarrassing mom had a crush on Donny Osmond. So, when they went to name me, rather than naming me Brandan, my mom chipped in her two cents and they named me BranDON (as in in Donny Osmond). That sucks!

So, seeing that me and D-Money are kind of like brothers I think it would only be right to compare myself with Donny Osmond

- We both at one time in our lives had mullets.
- We are both Caucasian.
- We both have ladies screaming our name when we are on stage.
- We both have dark brown hair.
- We are both US citizens.
- Donny is on reality TV shows, I watch reality TV shows.
- We both have Jesus in our religions.
- I like Joseph, Donny was Joseph.
- My mother loves us equal (that is not true...but it is kind of funny).
- Donny had a song in Mulan, I like Asia

- To Donny, Jesus is Satan’s me He is not.
- Donny plays in the movie College Road Trip (I saw that when reading his Info.)...I never quite took one (unless you count Asia).
- Being a Mormon, Donny is able to have many women, I can’t keep one.
- When women scream Donny’s name on stage it is usually followed by an “I love you”…when they scream mine it is usually followed by a “get off the stage”
- Donny greases up his hair like a pig at a 4H fair, I let mine go aux naturalle.
- Donny is a white Caucasian, I am not.
- Donny has Marie, I have Kelly and Melissa Shinn.
- Donny is old, I am not….but people still think I am my Mom’s date sometimes (what the heck ?)

So there you have name.

Stories of Old

1 comment:

Blended Worship Group said...

Good to see you blogging again!

I think all Mum's once had a crush on Donny. My mum did, and she grew up on the otherside of your world!!!

It's the chubby cheeks...