Thursday, February 1, 2007

January- lol

So that's it. That wraps up the month of January. Holy Smokes! It has flown by~! No more January posts. This is the last one. I better make it stink'n pressure!

Alright, I think I have it....funny things that Asians say but probably don't mean to say them the way they come out, and interesting stuff that comes out exactly how they mean it to.

First the names!
So, it seems to me that a lot of Hong Kong and Mainland students have given themselves their own english names, or their parents are really, ummm.....uninformed.

Here they go (this list comes from several different people)
- Circle
- Square
- Angus (that was today)
- Raider
and the #1 name is........This one needs a story!!!!!!

An individual is taking attendance for a group of people
Individual: "Virginia...Is Virginia here"
Girl: "Virginia?"
Individual: "Yes, Virginia...are you Virginia?
Girl: "No, it is [a word that is sort of spelled like virginia and is a part of a woman's anatomy]"
WHAT THE!???? hahaha

Please don't reply in the comment box on what you think it is! I am trying to give the facts but keep it PG! haha

Next: The Words that sound a little different than the speaker intends
- Piece (sounds like Piss)
- LV [as in Louis V] (sounds like L We)
-Peanuts (yeah...this one sounds like a part of a male's anatomy)

I have quite a few more culture quirks but I'll save those for next time!

Thanks for Reading! Blessings

See you all next month
Keep it PG

1 comment:

Melissa said...

LOL...Oh how I love China!