Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thought if the Day- 31 January 2007

"Love the sinner, hate the sin"

So I have heard and used the above mentioned cliche more than I can humanly count (because I have forgotten every time I've heard it...but it is definately a lot!). What does it mean to love the sinner but hate the sin? Yeah, yeah, I know that we should love people and yet not have to agree with the lifestyle they are living, or hate sin but still love "sinners" (cuz you know, us Christians got our crap together). After hearing a quote, that I will reveal in a few more lines, concerning this cliche, I am fairly confident that I will never use it again...unless I am stuck for an explanation for how I can disagree with someone on how I don't think what they are doing is right but I still love them anyway, yadda, yadda, yadda. Just kidding

So here's the quote

"Love the sinner, hate the sin? How about: Love the sinner, hate your own sin! I don't have time to hate your sin. There are too many of you! Hating my sin is a full-time job. How about you hate your sin, I'll hate my sin and let's just love each other!"- Mark Lowry

Yeah, you got it right....Mark Lowry! Christian comedian, song writer, Gather Vocal Band member!!!! Yeah, that Mark Lowry...I was stunned too! To think, one of the most profound, destructing statements for Christian cliches came from a comedian and a member if the GVB. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Hey, this is the same guy who wrote "Mary Did You Know?" Not a bad resume~

Anyway, I think what Mr. Lowry, Mark if I may, said is right on and truly reveals a deeper truth that needs to be addressed. We as the church have used sin as an excuse to exclude, verbally abuse, kill (emotionally, spiritually, physically, and socially), divide, and the list goes on! We have used sin as our justification for removing ourselves from the world that we have been sent into. We have taken our children and placed them into "Christian" schools instead of into the world in which we are called to go. We give our money to building expansion projects and neglect the people who will expand the, not First Baptist, Methodist, AG....THE CHURCH! We have gotten so caught up in political jargon that we have forgotten to love our neighbors, "conservative" or "liberal". We have made Jesus a white, middle class wussy! Jesus was middle eastern! And he was, excuse the term, "bad A!" All of these things call for repentance from every single person who calls themselves a Christian...because, WE are the church.

I think proposals are awesome. For crying out loud, the process towards a marriage starts with a proposal! So, here is what I propose. How about we love people. That's it. How about we go to where people are, during the week, and make friends. Not with agendas! Just make friends. Heck, you don't even have to bring Jesus up when you meet them!

"Hey, I'm Jerry...this is Jesus".......that scares people!

Instead, just make new friends, or start loving the ones you've got. Don't bring up the fact they smell like smoke, or that they are wasted, or make them button up their shirt if they are showing too much cleavage (I used to do that to my one friend)- Just be around, just be like Jesus. Forgive them for throwing up on your new $100 shirt (You should have used the money on something worth while anyway!), live a holy life, and show them love.

You know what, I am pretty sure that I am going to buy someone a beer sometime. I am going to go up to them and be like "Hey! Can I get you a beer?" and they are gonna be like "Sure, my name's so-and-so"...and we are gonna be friends and I am going to love them unconditionally! That sounds pretty cool to me. Kind of like a movie scene or something!
End Sidenote

I don't have time to look at the sin of the world, not if I am showing love. Sin is there, I know, but so is Jesus. I acknowledge the sin and look to see how I can bring about Christ's work of redemtption and restoration in that situation/place. Besides to look at others sin...HAH! I have way too much of my own crap to deal with! I see what God has done and is doing in my life and I want to be a part of it in other people's lives!

Just love. Please, just love.

You Bring the drinks, I'll bring the love!

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