Friday, March 9, 2007

Just plain Laziness

That's the verdict.

After long days sometimes you just don't want to write. Call it writer's block. Call it perfection marinating for another day. Call it laziness. Don't call it whatever you want (bad things happen!).

Enough of the past! I'm back. Don't worry you don't have to welcome me back like Mase.

Mid-terms were this week. Brandon was uptight this times. Cause and Effect? Perhaps.

The official results of the tests are not yet in but there is an overwhelming feeling from the "test-taker". I either kicked the snot out of those tests or they owned me!

You may be asking, "How can this be?" How can someone be so torn? Let me enlighten you.

The first test I took fused my brain waves with a case study. The result...genius answers. Unfortunately, I don't know if my professor is as genius as I.

I studied for my second test...just not enough! As I was reading through the test booklet I was like "I have studied this...but I'm not 100% sure...crap!" With this beautiful thought assaulting my precious mind I proceeded to take "educated guesses" (more like "wishful attempts") on pretty much every question. I have no idea how I did.

Well, the weekend approaches. Saturday night is rapidly approaching and joy is circling me like stars around the dome of a KOd punk. For the first time in years I am so excited to go to church! Warning: Good Weekend Rapidly Approaching!

p.s. Chante', I love you!

Beautifully Brisk Black Nights (KRW, how's that for alliteration!)


Anonymous said...

..."I don't know if my professor is as genius as I."

I love it. Sometimes you say something Brandon and it reminds me of the 14 year old cocky little punk that would tell all your friends what to do. I like to think that it has matured into a "confident independence"... (that sounds better than 'cocky!')


Melissa said...

Well, I'm glad your exams are over! Hopefully you see great results!(if you studied you should be okay) I hope you have an awesome weekend!

curiousgirl said...

hey friend i hope your test will go well, also i hope you enjoy church sat i cant wait until sat we have a praiz event i cant wait first one of the year! well hun miss ya tons and can't wait to hear form ya