The name of the group is Group 1 Crew. See! I told you it was a terrible name!
The lack of creativity displayed in the name in no way reflect the lyrical masterpiece you will find in Group 1 Crew's album. They are the perhaps the first group on the "Christian" music (other than Christian rock which tends to be ahead or right on with the industry) side of things that actually succeeds at being "up to par" and honestly, good for their genre.
Warning: This is a hip-hop/soul/rap album...not recommended for fans of Carmen!
If you don't like hip-hop, purchase the CD for no other reason than the fact that it has a white girl who can rap really good! Appriciate that! Also, there are some really good beats and songs that just make you want to shake your booty*! (aka. Dance...for all of you over the age of 40...or those who have no radio...or ears).
*Shaking your booty can also translate into:
"Move your hips"
"Cut the rug"
"Get Down"
"Shake your money maker"
or "Dance" (as already clarified)
For those of you who do not condone dancing (the Taylor Admin.) this CD will inspire excessive humming and finger tapping!
Brandon gives this Album (self titled by the way)...
Two Raptor Toes Way Up!
Favorite Songs
1. Forgive Me
2. Love is a Beautiful Thing
3. What Yo Name Is
4. I Have a Dream (White Girl Raps! A miracle, I know!)
CD Reviews from Hong Kong
You don't have two raptor toes!
Hey Bro... so I haven't been able to find your blog on the internet for a while... apparently there was some kind of satanic block on my computer that caused me to not be able to find you... (notice the smirk on my face as I made the last comment) So I just went through and read all of your blogs from the last 3 months... I feel like I have just had a long hang out time with BK himself. I love you bro and love your thoughts. I am glad you are reading Velvet Elvis and other such books. I don't know if you have ever listened to Robo online... but you can download recent sermons off of the Mars Hill website... I really enjoy his teaching. Very raw, very applicable, very Jesusy. I can't wait till I see you again and can give you a big hug. I miss you bro... I know this is a ridiculously long comment... but I had to make up for not commenting on the last three months of blogs I just read... oh yeah, and I like the tiers of Christianity... the thing about people who can cuss and when made me laugh alot. Alright... I am out. I love you Bro!!!
are you serious? You need to change that to 60 or even 70!!
Come on now Brandon... you are talking to the 40 plus year old whos favorite thing to do was ride down the street with the convertible top down playing "rump shaker" ( yea another name for shaking the booty). Embarrising her kids to the max.
cool brand i am glad you loved the church servce! i want to hear more abut it. so i want to hear that song!!! oh yeh i think i know a white girl that can rap pretty good maybe better then that girl, her name becca reynolds! you have to go to a show to hear her. p.s yes i know i owe you dinner i cant wait to take you out lol dinner will be fun!!!!!! i want to hear tons of stories!!! love ya rix
dude you better not be bashin Carmen now. who's in the house...JC!
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