I don't think they have....and here is why.
1. The "cool" people in the church would be the messed-up ones.
2. The most revered people would be bastards (literally!)...in fact, they would lead the church!
3. Pastors would be married to prostitutes...or at least have a kid with one (it wasn't just Hosea).
4. All the depictions of Jesus wouldn't be some white guy!
5. Modelling your life after Christ would take you to the hood, not just to church.
6. We wouldn't be so easily offended.
7. The "guests of honor" would have aids, or some other deadly disease.
8. We would be carrying the paralyzed into our churches.
9. We would care more about the lost than we do about our possessions.
10. We would stop comparing ourselves to people and start comparing ourselves to God!
11. The greatest ministers would be Schizophrenic (check out Jesus in John 7...I know He isn't, but people thought He was demon possessed! He was all over the place) or at least, wouldn't preach "people friendly" messages.
I am firmly convinced that if you aren't messed up in some way....well, to be blunt, you're lame!
So that was a little harsh. Let me put it this way. Almost every great man or woman of God in scripture had some crap! Heck, even the "non great" ones did! They had some skeletons in the closet. They were screwed up. They weren't perfect. They were rejected. People didn't like them and often complained about them. They were persecuted. They were spoken against.....
And as a result, they changed the world.
This said, stop looking at the "problems" of people as problems. Stop exiling the broken and screwed up. Stop expecting people to be perfect. And please stop being uptight Bible bashers! Because you need to realize...the people you are effecting and speaking against will someday be ruling over you and they are the ones who are greatest in the Kingdom. Their "problems" are preparation. Their exile leads to vision and dreams. Their imperfection drives them closer to Christ. And their passion is their Love, Jesus, not your hypocritical bashing.
Can I get an "Amen!"? haha
So curious minds want to know. When did it become the cool thing to have it all together?
I guess when people started reading the Bible for agenda rather than for truth.
Let us, the Body of Christ, return to truth!
The Least of these...More like, The Greatest.I guess when people started reading the Bible for agenda rather than for truth.
Let us, the Body of Christ, return to truth!
Halleluiah!(Amen was already taken...lol)
So then Brandon, let me tell you that you're one of the most ridiculously crazy people that I know...amen
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