MythBusters-Asian Style
So a few of us (around 12) decided we were going to climb Lion Rock, more like Lion "mini-mountain" Rock, at 2:30 am on Saturday. You'de think that every Asian girl, who still lives in Asia, would be in the best shape ever! You know, like the women in those videos you saw your mom working out to while you were growing up
i.e. Slide Aerobics, Step Aerobics, Jane Fonda...pretty much any video that has any freakish human being pretending that exercise is fun....
Back to Asian girls
You would make this assumption based on the fact that everybody walks everywhere and there is never a place to sit down. Well, I have come to the conclusion that Asian girls might be able to walk 100 miles in the horizontal direction, but if they take more than 100 steps vertical they crumble like a pack of freshly opened, crushed Ramen noodles (I was trying to find an analogy that would fit the culture...I think I did pretty well with the noodles). So, the common belief, that many of us in the western world hold, that Asian girls are packed with incredible stamina that allows them to do super-human feets (i.e. Fly) is in fact not true. We have been mislead! Western, African, Latin American girls, Cheer Up! Your Asian sisters have to work out just as hard as you in order to go vertical! I know it sucks, I want them to be able to fly just as much, if not more, than you do, but it just isn't going to happen!
Myth: Asian Girls Can Fly
Verdict: Busted!....we can always hope though, there might be that 1 in a 1000
Anyway, us guys helped and waited (I can just hear Mr. Miagee sayings, "Patience is a virtue, Brandon son") for the girls, this included a couple of French along with some Asian. We were in fact gentlemen! I am maturing...hahaha
When we arrived at the top it was beautiful! Isn't it funny how so may of us stand in awe of the scenery (not at TU) that surrounds us but only complain about God's most dear creation, the people who surround us. Although the hike was a bit streching and character revealing/developing it was great to see everyone accomplish the task. It was also great to be able to follow my brother and friend's (Joel) lead in waiting and encouraging those who were "bringing up the back". He [Joel] modeled Christian virtue through his attitude of encouragement.
Truth: You grow and learn from other's as they live out a Christian life.
Verdict: Confirmed
So a few of us (around 12) decided we were going to climb Lion Rock, more like Lion "mini-mountain" Rock, at 2:30 am on Saturday. You'de think that every Asian girl, who still lives in Asia, would be in the best shape ever! You know, like the women in those videos you saw your mom working out to while you were growing up
i.e. Slide Aerobics, Step Aerobics, Jane Fonda...pretty much any video that has any freakish human being pretending that exercise is fun....
Back to Asian girls
You would make this assumption based on the fact that everybody walks everywhere and there is never a place to sit down. Well, I have come to the conclusion that Asian girls might be able to walk 100 miles in the horizontal direction, but if they take more than 100 steps vertical they crumble like a pack of freshly opened, crushed Ramen noodles (I was trying to find an analogy that would fit the culture...I think I did pretty well with the noodles). So, the common belief, that many of us in the western world hold, that Asian girls are packed with incredible stamina that allows them to do super-human feets (i.e. Fly) is in fact not true. We have been mislead! Western, African, Latin American girls, Cheer Up! Your Asian sisters have to work out just as hard as you in order to go vertical! I know it sucks, I want them to be able to fly just as much, if not more, than you do, but it just isn't going to happen!
Myth: Asian Girls Can Fly
Verdict: Busted!....we can always hope though, there might be that 1 in a 1000
Anyway, us guys helped and waited (I can just hear Mr. Miagee sayings, "Patience is a virtue, Brandon son") for the girls, this included a couple of French along with some Asian. We were in fact gentlemen! I am maturing...hahaha
When we arrived at the top it was beautiful! Isn't it funny how so may of us stand in awe of the scenery (not at TU) that surrounds us but only complain about God's most dear creation, the people who surround us. Although the hike was a bit streching and character revealing/developing it was great to see everyone accomplish the task. It was also great to be able to follow my brother and friend's (Joel) lead in waiting and encouraging those who were "bringing up the back". He [Joel] modeled Christian virtue through his attitude of encouragement.
Truth: You grow and learn from other's as they live out a Christian life.
Verdict: Confirmed
Asian Mythbusters
I refuse to believe that Asian girls can't fly. And if they truly cannot, my 15 years of American education has taught me nothing.
I'm pretty sure the Chinese girls we climbed Mount Hua Sheng with could fly...they sure flew past me!
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