Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thought of the Day- 30 January 2007


Being an athlete I have had my fair share of cheerleader encounters. In high school....uh yeah, were not going to go there. On to college, quickly! For the one year they had cheerleaders at Taylor they were pretty good. It is always fun turning around just in time to see a girl bite the pavement or to hear them cheering for the other team! It was actually pretty funny. So, maybe they weren't good in terms of skill level, but they were definately "good" for a laugh! Besides, in their short shorts and tight (the literal translation) tops they took the attention off the football team who probably wasn't playing that well!

Anyway, the reason I bring up cheerleaders is because everyone loves to have people cheer for them. It is how God created us to be! No one likes the pessimist or the person who only tells you what you can't do. We were created for greatness and greatness is fueled through encouragement. Perhaps that is why God is constantly telling us who we are and how much we are loved...not to mention the uncomprehensable things we can do! I really appriciate people who encourage and don't ask too many questions, because I probably don't know the answer. If I had the ideal, let's say girl, encourager here is how I can imagine our conversation going.

Girl: "So Brandon how are you going to start all those homes?"
Me: "I don't know"
Girl: "Wow, you are such a man of faith! I really love men of faith!"
Me: "Actually, I feel more confused than anything right now....I am kind of just waiting on God"
Girl: "Holy Cow! Patience is so important! I really love patient men!"
Me: "I get really agitated though when I know I am supposed to act and I just don't know which step I am supposed to take at this time"
Girl: "Brandon, can I tell you something?"
Me: "Sure."
Girl: "I really want a man who is just trusting God, who has no money, wants to travel the world, wants to give his life for hurting people, and is agitated!"
Me: "ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzz....huh? Oh, it was just a dream. Crap!"

I'm just kidding! Girls, wipe your mouths because I know you probably just threw up!

Seriously though, I think I am going to start being a cheerleader (figurative sense). Every person has, or has had, a dream. A dream that they probably don't know how to achieve and it scares the snot out of them! You want to know something cool. There is a God who believes in people, who knows they can succeed, who is pulling for them, who loves them and is proud of them! I think I am going to let people know that...yeah, I'm pretty sure I am! Because if a person can truly come to believe this truth they will never be the same again. When this change comes, this reality shift comes, dreams will start to become reality and the world will be changed!

You know the cool part about cheerleaders.
When they start cheering other people join in and follow their example!
You might be the only one cheering in a failure focused world but it only takes one....be patient, the stadium will be rock'n soon



Anonymous said...

Dude i love you haha, and i miss you. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog my friend. You've got a way with words and a definite man of God whose challenges and thoughts are right on the money. I always have loved hearing you talk about these things cause its where your passions lie!! Get stoked whenever you talk about God and the journey it takes with it cause its a testimony to who you are and what God can/will and is doing in you.!!

Rixey said...

Every person has, or has had, a dream. A dream that they probably don't know how to achieve and it scares the snot out of them! You want to know something cool. There is a God who believes in people, who knows they can succeed, who is pulling for them, who loves them and is proud of them! I think I am going to let people know that...yeah, I'm pretty sure I am! i think that is an awesome thing to do!lol nice blog miss ya tons love rix