Monday, January 22, 2007

Welcome to My Life

Greetings! I would just like to take a moment to welcome you all to the Blogalicious (Hey! If Fergie can do it, why in the world can't I?) revelation of me. I would love for all of you to be able to know me on a deeper level than this blog, but seeing that I am on the other side of the world (well, those of you in the western world) I guess the words that I place on your screen will have to serve as the paint by which you will "create" the masterpiece (or number painting) of me...for now at least. I hope I make your job of "creating" really difficult!

On this blog you will find many things including but not limited to:
1. Some of my favorite stuff
2. Least favorite stuff (Petpeeves)
3. Updates from my time in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Thailand, Burma, Phillipines, etc...
4. Random thoughts I am having (Hopefully Daily)
5. Revelations from the Lord
6. Excerpts from books I am reading
7. Poems and Songs
8. Possible journal entries (love, sin, missions, God)
9. Things that I am looking for in a wife...hahaha J/K
10. My "wilderness" calling

I hope you all find joy in my lyrical revelation. I pray that you are challenged, stretched, encouraged, taught, and provoked by my life.

Joy, Peace, and Love


JessCo said...

i can't wait to hear about your time and all you're learning! God bless!

Jordyn said...

I am so excited to continue reading your updates, I hope that you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

I also am excited to read your updates. Although I hope you know this WILL NOT suffice for communication with your mother who misses and loves you sooooo much. Have a great day !!!!! I love you!!!! Mom

Unknown said...

Got the link to this blog from Kevin. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the crazy things you are doing and learning.

Anonymous said...

wow brandon I am so glad you are getting to traval the world like you are. I have got to see so much in the past few years I wish everyone could get the chance to do the same. How long are you going to be there? well if you ever get the chance I would love to hear from you

Anonymous said...

Hey bro! i wanna see more pictures! lol we hear these bk inspiring words all the time, dude show me freakin hong kong!