Saturday, March 10, 2007

Dance Class

I took my first dance class today. I think I had a little too much "hip" action for my partner...all those squats for football! I'm just kidding. I'm so funny!

I really enjoyed myself! The dances that we started tonight were Waltz, Cha-Cha, and some other Spanish dance. When I say "dance" by the way I'm not talking about straight armed, you-stay-put, you may still have cooties type stuff! We are talking the down and dirty real deal!

Although I knew all the girls would love to dance with me (insecurity talking there) I still was so nervous! You had to get close, real close! I'm talking body on body here! I told you it was the real deal. Now it was already pretty stink'n hot in there, seeing we opted to not use the air conditioning, but when you have to dance really close with someone you hardly know...Let's just say I was sweating like Brandon when he talks to a girl (seemed like the best example!). Now, I sucked up my nervousness and danced with confidence. The result? A performance that would have won So You Think You Can Dance? Until...

There is always that person. You know who I'm talking about. The person who in normal, everyday life would not make you blink let alone get nervous. That's everyday life. There is always that moment though, "The Moment of Fire." I call it the moment of fire because it is at this moment that you begin to sweat like you have never sweated in your life. You are more wet at this moment than you were when you emerged from your mother's womb! You are sweating, you are wet! This moment can come at any time but it will come. You can count on this fact. Average Jane, the above mentioned person, they are better than you at something. And someday you are going to have to do that something with them. And you will be embarrassed. And you would rather be going through a meat grinder than doing that one thing at that one moment, with that one person. And you can't get away because they were next in line. And you will try to make eye contact like your supposed to but in your mind you'll think, "Brandon quit smiling, you look like an idiot, you're a stud...act like it. Quit smiling darn it!". And then you'll wonder what they are thinking because of course you are turning beat red. And then you will continue to beat the crap out of yourself (mentally of course) until you realize the music has stopped. And then you let her go from your firm embrace and you realize...

That wasn't that bad. She was pretty cute! I kind of like dancing with the instructor.

Oh! Dance lessons. How I love thee.

So I have a wedding that I have to attend this summer. I will be ready for that wedding's after party. And I will be ready for that after party's dance floor. And for the rest of my life I will be known as Brandon "the dancing machine" Kightlinger. It makes a tear come to your eye, doesn't it?

Cha-Cha Slide


Melissa said...

Since I'm so bored not having work in all, I will leave you another comment! WAY TO GO! I'm glad your learning how to dance(its about time...haha...j/k). Anywho, it sounds like your having fun, thats great! Oh...pray...I'm fried!(and by fried I mean the tanning bed)

Anonymous said...

Hey little Bro... I think the "wedding after party" is refered to as the "reception." Calling it the "reception" will help give the appearance that it is not your first time busting our your sauve moves. And also you better pay attention real well so that at our next family wedding (probably Jackie or Jacob) you can dance with me... I took ballroom in college and would love to experience my dancing machine of a cousin as my partner one day. (wink)

curiousgirl said...

hey wow about time you learned how to dance!!!!!!!lol i am glad your having fun! see ya

curiousgirl said...
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