Monday, March 26, 2007

Just the Way You Are

The bar is set so high!
No one set it for me.
I am sure people have played a part in constructing the frame on which the bar sets but...

It is all me. In my mind. In my heart. It's all me.

It is so hard to accept Grace and Mercy. Why is that?

Last night at church I didn't sit and marinate in the most clear and organized sermon. I didn't see the lame walk or the blind see. I didn't buckle under the annointing of God, although it was strong. I didn't fall asleep and have a dream. I didn't even get the "Holy Ghost shivers"....I don't think at least. Last night something greater happened. Something lasting took place. Something eternal.

I think I might have been able to accept the Grace of God.

For me, accepting the Grace of God is so hard because I always think I should "be better", or something along that thought process, and that I am not living up to how God wants me to be or how I want me to be. In the midst of a semi-confusing sermon these words struck me.

"Jesus wants you to come to Him not as who you should be or as you think you could be. Jesus wants you to come to Him as you are! Jesus loves you just the way you are." [not a direct quote...I'll put the quote up when the podcast comes out]

The above statement was addressed to Christians. That word was so life changing for me. It seems for so long that I have been coming before the Lord seeing myself as who I should be or who I want to be. There has been no freedom in that! We say that [the above quote] to unbelievers all the time but when it comes to believers it seems as if the grace has run dry. I will not allow this lie to live any more in my life! For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I am able to come before the Lord saying

"This is me! Not who I want to be or who I think I should be. Just me."

and you can almost hear God reply with

"That is who I want. Just you. Just the way you are right now!"..."About time! haha"

I love it when God laughs!



Anonymous said...

Wow...I needed that! I've totally been dealing with the same thing! This post really touched me have no idea!!! This maybe sound stupid...but it brought me to tears, just because its something I can relate to so much(probably in a different way than you though)!

Anonymous said...

Grace... good word brother.

Anonymous said...

I had the same revelation last week. breaking down and crying out saying ok ok i will never measure up, i can never be good enough. But even so you wont leave me or not love me beacuse of that. it is because of that truth, that painful humbling realization that God loves me so. I will never be the amazing person i think i should be, cant be the athlete that i strive to obtain, wont be able to be good enough for that special girl.
ALL I CAN BE IS ME...cause God made me...well me!! I am and we each are formed specifically and purposefully as we are! DANG...grace freely given, not of our works but by the amazing love of God!!

So keep on keeping on my friend
and we'll just be us together, cause Christ will take it from there!
Bmilla thrilla

Anonymous said...

I think your perfect. Always have been.
You were definitely worth the 52 hours, no pain killer and of course the scare.
I love you so much!!